In the manufacturing, aerospace and construction industries, you can find a few tools used for various applications. Since they come with all these components, you can program them with operation parameters, helping them achieve better results and allowing operators to automate key processes. In a manufacturing context, smart tools will feature electronics, a communications module, sensors and a processor. You can find them used in various industries, such as construction, aerospace and manufacturing. Oftentimes, smart tools will provide information to other tools used for different processes to assist with their operations. Smart tools are a type of tool able to communicate data to other systems, such as a mobile app or piece of software. After learning more about the importance of smart tools, you can better understand how you can use and calibrate them properly.

Since smart tools are relatively new, you may want to first know more about what smart tools are, their benefits and how important they are to your company’s future success. As you would with more traditional tools and devices, calibration is essential to receiving long-term performance from your smart tools. With all of the advantages smart tools provide, it’s essential you calibrate them.

These tools can also send data about their use to a centralized digital location, allowing companies to better understand how they’re being used and spot areas of improvement. Smart tools are the future of many industries, as they help users perform tasks more safely, efficiently and accurately. Guide to Calibrating Smart Tools by Garber Metrology July 28, 2021